Best Books for Schools
From Just Imagine
Resource type: School book supplier or specialist publisher
Price band: £
Key stage: KS1, KS2, KS3
Region(s): All of UK
Best Books for Schools is an independent online bookshop selling individual titles and curated book collections for EYFS through to KS3.
Individual titles can be be browsed by age, genre and theme/topic. The curated collections cover all areas of the primary curriculum and include:
- Reading for Pleasure – book packs to encourage reading for pleasure, including selections of the best recently-published titles and books chosen specifically to engage more reluctant readers.
- Curriculum topic packs – fiction and non-fiction titles covering a wide range of topics from the primary curriculum.
- Genre sets – book packs covering specific genres such as graphic novels, biographies and wordless picture books.
- Class book sets – class and half class sets of high-quality titles for KS1, LKS2 and UKS2.
Cost: Prices vary but most titles come with a 26% discount on the RRP.
About Best Books for Schools: Best Books for Schools was established by Nikki Gamble, a former teacher and university lecturer and author of Exploring Children’s Literature: Reading for Knowledge, Understanding and Pleasure and the founder of literacy consultancy Just Imagine.
Literacy Hive Likes:
- All the books featured have been selected by a team of literacy experts and book specialists.
- Curated collections offer a quick and easy way to stock a class or school library with quality titles that reflect the best of children’s publishing today.
- A Book Subscription Service ensures a regular supply of new books for the school or class library.
- Use the School Wishlist facility to encourage book donations from your parent and local community.
- Explore more book-related resources and advice on the Just Imagine website.
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