Librarian Rebecca Rouillard shares 5 reasons why getting involved in the Spark! Book Award is a good idea.
Raising Writing Achievement & Engagement: Creating Communities of Writers
Sam Creighton, Literacy Lead at Elmhurst Primary, talks about carving out time for writing and creating an environment that supports all pupils to become confident, self-motivated young writers.
Raising Writing Achievement & Engagement: The Freedom to Choose
Sam Creighton, Literacy Lead at Elmhurst Primary, discusses some of the changes they have made to their writing curriculum to raise engagement & achievement.
Poetry by Heart: My Voice Matters
Year 6 teacher Aelaha Ahmad shares her experience of taking part in Poetry by Heart and the positive impact it has on pupils’ confidence and self-esteem.
A Read Aloud Recipe
Top tips to help you deliver a great read-aloud experience that will inspire your pupils.
Attempt a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title for largest poetry lesson (multiple venues) with Me!
You are invited… Join poet Laura Mucha for a Guinness-World-Record-breaking project for National Poetry Day 2024.
Exploring the Klaus Flugge Shortlist with Petr Horáček
Explore this year’s Klaus Flugge Prize shortlist with award-winning author/illustrator Petr Horáček.
Motivating Young People to Read and Write for Pleasure: Approaches and Practice
In our second blog exploring effective approaches to nurturing reading and writing for pleasure, find out more about the key role of quality texts, learner choice and responsive adults.
Promoting Parental Engagement
Insights and practical tips on ways to build positive partnerships and promote parental engagement to help close the attainment gap.
Motivating Young People to Read and Write for Pleasure: Shared Values
What are the approaches that effectively encourage children and young people to read and write for pleasure? Read the findings from the latest research.