A free online poetry magazine showcasing new poems and teaching resources for primary-aged children.
Photos for Writing
Explore ways to use photos and images to inspire different kinds of writing.
Book A Poet
A service to help schools organise bespoke spoken word workshops and events.
Poetry Prompts
A library of short videos to encourage pupils to write and perform their own poems created by Waterstones Children’s Laureate Joseph Coelho.
Understanding Poetry
Joseph Coelho explores different aspects of poetry in a series of videos for use in the primary classroom.
Story Seekers
A fully-resourced oracy and creative literacy project for primary-aged pupils.
National Literacy Trust Research
A library of research reports on a range of issues affecting literacy in the UK.
500 Words Competition
Nationwide writing competition for primary aged children that runs from September to November .
NATE Annual Conference
NATE’s Annual Conference takes place in July.
HfL Education: CPD Training
A programme of CPD training to support the literacy curriculum in EYFS, primary and secondary settings.