HfL Education: CPD Training
From HFL Education
Resource type: CPD course
Price band: £
Key stage: KS1, KS2, KS3, EYFS
Region(s): All of UK
HfL Education (formerly Herts for Learning) has developed a programme of evidence-based CPD training to support the EYFS, primary and secondary literacy curricula. The programme includes a mixture of online webinars and face-to-face sessions that take place at the Hertfordshire Development Centre in Stevenage.
A selection of the courses available is given below. For a full listing of HFL Education’s current programme, visit the HFL Education CPD Hub:
- Reading Fluency Project: Training to support HfL Education’s research-based intervention to improve fluency and comprehension with children in KS1 and KS2/3 who are failing to meet age-related expectations.
- Reading Fluency Project: Implications for Classroom Practice: Gain an understanding of the barriers facing pupils who are under-attaining in reading and explore some of the key teaching strategies used in the Reading Fluency Project to overcome them.
- Growing Greater Depth in Year 5 and 6: Explore practical teaching strategies and approaches to curriculum design and text selection that will help pupils in years 5 and 6 develop higher level reading skills and prepare them for the demands of the KS2 reading paper.
- Writing in the Early Years – to the GLD and beyond!: Discover how to nurture a love of writing for children in EYFS using the most up-to-date research to help create a provision that will support this important life skill.
- Securing Full Stops: Explore tried and tested approaches to help KS1 pupils develop a firm understanding of basic sentence structure and punctuation skills.
- Fixing Full Stops: Understand how to support KS2 pupils with specific difficulties in sentence structure using tried and tested approaches.
- Spelling SOS KS2: A digital distance learning course designed to support teachers working with children with large gaps in spelling knowledge. The course includes four pre-recorded sessions as well as assessment and planning resources to help teachers deliver this 8-week intervention.
- Feedback for Success: Engaging with Writing: Explore a range of teacher-to-pupil and pupil-to-pupil feedback strategies that will help primary pupils develop confidence and gain the metacognitive skills to self-manage improvements in their writing.
- Small Steps to Faster Progress in English: Develop effective strategies to support the needs of under-attaining pupils within the primary classroom environment.
- New to English Subject Leadership: Develop the subject knowledge and confidence to lead and monitor English in a primary school setting.
To book a course, teachers must first register for an account on HfL Education’s CPD Hub.
Cost: Courses range from £75 to £850 ex VAT
About HFL Education: HFL Education is an award-winning provider of training and support products and services to schools and educational settings both within and outside Hertfordshire. It is the UK’s largest school company and operates with a not-for-profit ethos, working with 99% of schools in Hertfordshire and over 3000 schools and settings nationally.
Literacy Hive Likes:
- HfL Education’s team of specialist English Teaching and Learning Advisors are skilled classroom practitioners with a wealth of school improvement experience.
- All courses draw on best-practice and the latest educational research.
- Explore HfL Education’s library of English blogs for more expert tips, advice and insights.
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