Learning with Parents: Digital Reading Log

From Learning with Parents

Resource type: Assessment and progression, Parental engagement

Price band: ££

Key stage: KS1, KS2

Region(s): All of UK

The Digital Reading Log is an inclusive way for schools and families to record children’s reading, replacing traditional paper reading diaries. It was designed to encourage families to enjoy regular and positive reading interactions at home.

Instead of having to fill in a written record of their child’s home reading, the digital log allows parents and carers to share audio clips, photos and comments directly from their smart phone. The secure platform has been designed to overcome any barriers to engagement and does not require parents to log in. Parents also receive regular reminders to their phone to read together with their child.

Teachers can also share recordings of pupils reading in school to model good practice when supporting a child’s reading and to help parents feel part of their child’s reading journey.

Live engagement data allows class teachers to review and celebrate reading activity, while the online school dashboard makes it easy for Reading Leads to monitor how often children are reading at home and to track the progress of a whole class or school.

Cost: £45 for a class per year.

About Learning with Parents: Learning with Parents is an educational charity that is committed to breaking down the barriers to parental engagement with learning in order to close the achievement gap and ensure that every child has the chance to fulfil their potential. Learning with Parents leads the Fair Education Alliance’s work on parental engagement and is also the founder of the Parental Engagement Forum.

Literacy Hive Likes:

  • Schools can sign up for a free demo of the Digital Reading Log.
  • The Digital Reading Log is designed to make it quick and simple for all parents to capture their reading experiences with their child.
  • The audio clips provide ongoing evidence of progress for monitoring and assessment purposes.
  • Schools that use the Digital Reading Log report that more parents are reading regularly with their children and are more engaged with their child’s reading journey.
  • Learning with Parents provides resources and training to support the launch of the platform, as well as ongoing support for schools through the year.
  • Parents can access technical support directly from Learning with Parents, if they need it.
  • Schools can pull data from the online School Dashboard at any time, but Learning for Parents also provides regular reports that can be shared with staff, governors or OFSTED.
  • The Digital Reading Log won the 2024 Bett Award for Educational Resource for Parents or Home Learning.

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