Literacy Counts: CPD and Consultancy

From Literacy Counts

Resource type: CPD course

Price band: £

Key stage: KS1, KS2, EYFS

Region(s): England

Literacy Counts is an educational consultancy dedicated to improving outcomes for children in reading and writing from EYFS to KS2. It provides a range of online training courses, in-school CPD training and bespoke advisory services that support Early Years settings and primary schools in developing a rich, connected curriculum with quality texts at its heart.

Literacy Counts works with individual schools, clusters of schools, Local Authorities, teaching alliances and Academy Trusts. Their services are delivered by experienced Literacy Counts consultants and cover all aspects of the Early Years and Primary English curriculum:

  • Phonics
  • Comprehension
  • Writing fluency
  • Vocabulary
  • Spelling
  • Developing a reading curriculum
  • Assessment and moderation
  • School improvement strategies for reading, writing and phonics

Cost: Online training webinars from £60. Half day consultancy sessions start from £350. Bespoke packages also available. Contact Literacy Counts for more details.

About Literacy Counts: Literacy Counts is a team of consultants that work to improve outcomes for children in the teaching and leadership of English. As well as providing CPD training and consultancy services, they are also the creators of a range of teaching resources, including the Ready Steady Write and Ready Steady Comprehension programmes of work.

Literacy Hive Likes:

  • All Literacy Counts consultants are experienced teachers with a proven track record of improving outcomes for children.
  • Many of the consultants have also been involved in regional and national literacy projects.

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