Literacy Volunteers

From Literacy Volunteers

Resource type: Reading support

Price band: ££

Key stage: KS1, KS2

Region(s): England - East Midlands

Literacy Volunteers is a registered charity that recruits and trains volunteers to work in primary schools in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire to support pupils aged 5-11 with their reading.

Volunteers come in once a week and provide one-on-one support for up to four or five children for a minimum of a term. In each half-hour session, volunteers will read, talk and play games with each child in order to boost their reading skills, improve their self-confidence and help them foster a love of books and reading for pleasure.

All Literacy Volunteers undergo an initial training course and receive on-going support from an Area Co-ordinator. Schools are required to complete a pupil feedback form and fill out an impact monitoring form for each child.

Cost: £399 per year for one Volunteer in school.

About Literacy Volunteers: Literacy Volunteers is a registered charity whose aim is to enrich young people’s lives by assisting with their literacy, communication and social skills. It currently has around 120 volunteers working with 600 pupils every week.

Literacy Hive Likes:

  • Literacy Volunteers carries out all vetting and DBS checks and provides Safeguarding and Prevent training for all volunteers.
  • Literacy Volunteers provides a Resource Box of books and games at each member school for the exclusive use of Volunteers.
  • Ongoing support for schools and volunteers is provided by dedicated Co-ordinators.

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0115 876 5474

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