From Read for Good
Resource type: Sponsored reading event
Price band: Free
Key stage: KS1, KS2, KS3
Region(s): All of UK
Readathon© is a sponsored reading event that aims to encourage children to read for pleasure while raising money to provide books and storytelling events for seriously ill children in hospital. Participating schools also earn vouchers worth 20% of the sponsorship money raised to spend on books for their own library from the Scholastic Book Clubs.
A Readathon© sponsored read can be run in primary or secondary schools at any time of the school year. It is designed to be a fun and inclusive event that encourages pupils to read whatever they enjoy – whether that’s a book, a comic, a blog or a song lyric.
Free Readathon© kits and downloadable resources are provided to make running the sponsored read as straight-forward as possible. These include:
- Sponsor cards and launch videos.
- Templates for parent communication.
- Posters, bunting, bookmarks and pupil certificates.
- Ideas to help promote your sponsored read and create a buzz around reading in your school.
Cost: Free. In addition, schools can earn vouchers worth 20% of the total sponsorship money raised to spend on books.
About Read for Good: Read for Good is a registered literacy charity whose mission is to improve the outcomes for all children in the UK by encouraging and enabling them to develop a love of reading. It has been running sponsored reads in schools since 1984 and providing brand-new books and storytelling events to children in the UK’s 30 major children’s hospitals since 2010.
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- Independent research carried out by The Education Company in 2016 showed that schools that ran Readathon© had higher attainment levels than those that didn’t with schools that ran it year-on-year demonstrating the highest levels of attainment.
- 80% of teachers and librarians who run Readathon© say it encourages reluctant readers to read more and motivates the whole class or school to read.
- A National Literacy Trust survey (2018) found that 60% of children said they would read more if it raised money for children in hospital.
- Find ideas and inspiration from other schools that have run a Readathon© sponsored read.
- The Read for Good website includes book recommendations and other resources to support reading at home.
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