Schools of Sanctuary

From City of Sanctuary UK

Resource type: CPD resource, Projects, programmes and workshops

Price band: Free

Key stage: KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5

Region(s): All of UK

Schools of Sanctuary is a support programme, award scheme and network of more than 1000 schools, nurseries and sixth forms working to build a culture of welcome, empathy and belonging for those seeking safety in the UK.

Through advice and guidance, curated resources, unique opportunities/events and by facilitating meaningful connections, the Schools of Sanctuary programme supports schools to:

1 – Raise awareness about the experiences of people seeking sanctuary in the UK to combat misinformation and build understanding and empathy with their students and community.

2 – Review and refine their school provision and practice to welcome and effectively meet the needs of new arrivals, particularly those seeking sanctuary and their families.

3 – Connect to local refugee-sector organisations or other supporting institutions to strengthen our communities’ welcome to people seeking safety.

In areas where Schools of Sanctuary have a local delivery partner, or a ‘Local Lead’, schools can also engage with an award process to help them go the extra mile and be recognised for doing so. As of 2024, more than 600 schools across the UK have received the School of Sanctuary award.

City of Sanctuary UK: Schools of Sanctuary are accredited by City of Sanctuary UK, a registered charity that coordinates and supports  a network of individuals, groups and organisations across the UK to encourage inclusivity, solidarity and compassion for people from a forced displacement background.

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  • Norfolk Schools of Sanctuary run A Day of Welcome, a UK-wide event during Refugee Week designed specifically for schools.

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Schools of Sanctuary is a national network of schools across the UK that are committed to creating a culture of welcome and inclusion for refugees and people seeking asylum.