The Great Big Green Week
Resource type: Event
Price band: Free
Key stage: KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5
Region(s): All of UK
The Great Big Green Week is a UK-wide celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. In 2025, it will take place from the 7th-15th June.
In 2024, The Great Big Green Week took place between 8th-16th June on the theme of Let’s Swap Together for Good which encouraged everyone to make simple changes to create a greener future.
Each year, resources are released to support The Great Big Green Week in schools including:
- Packs for primary and secondary schools containing presentation slides and ideas for classroom activities.
- Ideas and guidance on how to organise an event for The Great Big Green Week.
- Free poster to download.
Cost: Free
About The Climate Coalition: The Climate Coalition is a group of over 130 organisations dedicated to action on the climate and nature crises. It is a registered charity that runs regular campaigns to raise awareness and lobby the government for positive change.
Further resources:
- Download CLPE’s whole-school unit of work for Early Years through to Year 6 to accompany the picture book In Our Hands by Lucy Farfort, a story that celebrates working together to bring about positive change in the community and wider world. Available with CLPE’s free membership.
- Explore the booklists and resources we have pulled together for World Environment Day and World Oceans Day.
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