Whizz Pop Bang!

From Launchpad Publishing Ltd

Resource type: Newspapers, magazines and comics

Price band: £

Key stage: KS1, KS2

Region(s): All of UK

Whizz Pop Bang! is an award-winning monthly magazine aimed at bringing science to life for children aged six to twelve.

Each 36-page issue focuses on a theme and is packed with the latest discoveries from the world of science; interviews with real scientists; in-depth topics for extended learning; science puzzles and quizzes; and tried and tested experiments that can be carried out in school or at home.

Alongside the magazine, Whizz Pop Bang! also offers a range of curriculum-linked, differentiated science and reading resources for primary pupils in Years 2 – 6 (P3 – P7). These are available to download with a subscription and include:

  • Detailed lesson plans and accompanying PowerPoint presentations.
  • Hands-on activities and fun science games for the classroom.
  • Guided reading texts and comprehension questions for cross-curricular learning.
  • Science debates for older pupils.

Cost: £47.99 per year for a single copy of the magazine. Subscription packages for the magazine + access to the teaching resources start at £197.99.

About Launchpad Publishing Ltd: Launchpad Publishing Ltd was set up by physics graduate and science communicator Jenny Inglis in order to create a top-quality, gender-neutral, advert-free magazine to help children develop a love of science. Whizz Pop Bang! was launched in 2015 and in 2021 won the STEM category in the TeachPrimary Awards.

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  • The broad-ranging content and eye-catching visuals will appeal to a wide spectrum of young readers.
  • Gender-neutral content to encourage all children to enjoy science.
  • Written by expert science writers and advisers to ensure that all content is accurate and up-to-date.
  • The content for the magazine and the lesson plans is linked to the science curriculum for England and Scotland.
  • Subscriptions to the teaching resources are for the whole school with no limit to the number of teacher log-ins allowed.

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