Resource type: Newspapers, magazines and comics
Price band: £
Key stage: KS2
Region(s): All of UK
Aquila is a monthly general-interest magazine aimed at children aged 8+ who like a challenge and are eager to discover new things. Its aim is to encourage children in their aspirations and inspire them to learn about the world around them.
Each 28-page issue covers a mix of science, history, maths, English and general knowledge, all themed around a specific topic, such as Ancient Egypt or The Amazon. The content is a mixture of in-depth articles, fun facts, challenging puzzles, and hands-on creative or scientific activities, all beautifully illustrated with contemporary artwork.
Cost: £55 per year for a single copy, £80 per year for two copies or more.
About New Leaf Publishing Ltd: Aquila is owned and published by New Leaf Publishing Ltd., a small independent publisher based in Eastbourne.
Literacy Hive Likes
- The magazine is written in a ‘serious fun’ style and is perfect for challenging and extending more able students.
- Members of the Aquila community – ‘AQUILAnauts’ – are encouraged to send in their pictures and letters to be featured in the magazine’s Over to You feature.
- There are additional activities and challenges created by teacher-contributors available to download for free from the Aquila website.
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