Developing Reading for Pleasure: Engaging Young Readers

From The Open University

Resource type: CPD course

Price band: Free

Key stage: KS1, KS2, EYFS

Region(s): All of UK

This free online CPD course is designed to help practitioners develop and promote a Reading for Pleasure culture in their schools.

Over eight modules, the course explores the latest research around Reading for Pleasure and its impact on children’s lives; outlines an effective Reading for Pleasure framework; and provides tips and strategies to help promote reader engagement. The modules include:

  1. The importance of childhood reading
  2. Being a reader
  3. The power of narrative
  4. Knowing your texts, knowing your readers
  5. Reading for Pleasure pedagogy
  6. Building reading communities in school
  7. Supporting children as readers at home
  8. Enticing reluctant readers and addressing challenges

Developing Reading for Pleasure: Engaging Young Readers is available through The Open University’s OpenLearn platform, which is designed to provide a flexible learning experience that can be fitted around work or other commitments.

Cost: Free.

About The Open University: The Open University provides world-leading, flexible, part-time study, supported distance and open learning for undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

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  • You can start the course at any time and work at your own pace.
  • Students can earn a Statement of Participation and an OU Digital Badge to show that they have successfully completed the course.
  • The course has been written by a team of Open University lecturers and professors, including Dr Lucy Rodriguez Leon, Professor Teresa Cremin, Dr Helen Hardy and Dr Sarah Jane Mukherjee.

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