Reading Recovery Programme

From Reading Recovery Europe

Resource type: Catch-up intervention

Price band: ££££

Key stage: KS1

Region(s): All of UK

Reading Recovery is an intensive, teacher-led literacy intervention designed to help the lowest achieving children reach age-expected levels in reading and writing by the end of KS1.

The Reading Recovery programme involves a series of daily one-to-one lessons over a period of 12 to 20 weeks. Sessions last for 30 minutes and are tailored to fit the particular needs and learning journey of each child. Sessions focus on learning how to use letter and word detail fluently, understanding messages in reading, and constructing messages in writing.

The programme can only be delivered by an accredited Reading Recovery teacher who has undergone the requisite training. To find out more about Reading Recovery training click here.

Cost:  The cost for implementing the Reading Recovery programme lies in the training for the Reading Recovery teacher. The Initial Professional Development course costs £2940 (VAT free).

About Reading Recovery Europe: Reading Recovery Europe is part of the UCL Institute of Education. Its aim is to promote literacy education and enable all children to achieve excellence in literacy. Reading Recovery is its flagship programme.

Literacy Hive Likes:

  • Just over eight out of every ten children who complete the Reading Recovery programme catch up with their classroom peers within 20 weeks.
  • Reading Recovery participants continue to make progress in subsequent years. They are also more than twice as likely than similar children to achieve five or more good GCSEs (TES, 5th December 2018).
  • Reading Recovery is cited in the Education Endowment Foundation’s Improving Literacy in KS1 report as a programme that has undergone rigorous evaluation and been found to deliver a positive impact.
  • Reading Recovery is one of the most widely-researched literacy interventions. See the Research and Evaluation section of the website for a full range of reports.

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