ReadingZone Live
Resource type: Lesson plans and teaching aids
Price band: Free
Key stage: KS1, KS2
Region(s): All of UK
ReadingZone Live provides free access to a bank of detailed lesson plans covering comprehension and writing for KS1 and KS2.
The lesson plans are based on books by top children’s writers and include access to video interviews with the authors where they share insights into their creative process.
Developed in partnership with the LEO Academy Trust, the lesson plans cover:
- Comprehension: Online comprehension quizzes based on extracts from texts by a top children’s writer. Each quiz targets a specific Content Domain to enable pupils to practise and develop the skills required.
- Writing: Activities and writing tasks that build on the creative insights from the author videos and explore the themes of their texts.
Cost: Free.
About LGfL – The National Grid for Learning: LGfL – The National Grid for Learning is a not-for-profit charitable trust that provides broadband and managed network services to schools, as well as a range of learning resources and training. LGfL – The National Grid for Learning was the winner of the Education Resources Award: Supplier of the Year – Not-for-profit in both 2020 and 2021.
About LEO Academy Trust: The LEO Academy Trust was formed in 2015. It is made up of seven primary schools in the London Borough of Sutton and serves over 3500 pupils.
Literacy Hive Likes:
- Comprehension questions are written in a progressive order and using different question types to support pupils of different abilities.
- Digital versions of the extracts for the comprehension activities are provided as part of the lesson plan.
- The lesson plans can be used for whole class teaching or for small group work.
- The author interviews provide a great way to enhance understanding and engagement with a text, as well as demystifying the writing process.
- Find more free virtual author events at the ReadingZone Bookclub.
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