From ReadingZone
Resource type: Booklists and book reviews
Price band: Free
Key stage: KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5
Region(s): All of UK
The ReadingZone website provides teachers and librarians with a range of resources to help engage young readers and promote reading for pleasure. These include:
- Booklists of the best new titles coming out each month – selected by children’s book experts with reviews by teachers and librarians.
- Interviews with top children’s authors and video introductions to their latest books.
- ‘How to videos’ to help students create their own book trailers, book vlogs and podcasts.
Cost: Free.
About ReadingZone: ReadingZone is a website dedicated to helping young people, parents and teachers find the best children’s books available. It provides access to book reviews, book-related activities and online author events.
Literacy Hive Likes:
- The book trailer, book vlog and podcast projects can provide a fun way into books and reading for more reluctant readers.
- Use author interviews and videos to introduce a new class reader or to help promote new additions to the library.
- Teachers and librarians can submit their own reviews of listed books for inclusion on the website.
- Dedicated areas of the website where children, teenagers and young adults can explore new authors and review titles for themselves.
- The ReadingZone Bookclub provides free online author events for KS1 and KS2 pupils.
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