Transforming Writing Through Drama

From The Primary Shakespeare Company

Resource type: CPD course

Price band: ££

Key stage: KS2

Region(s): England

The Primary Shakespeare Company offers training courses and inset sessions for primary schools that are interested in learning how to use drama as a teaching technique across the curriculum.

Transforming Writing through Drama is a three-day course for KS2 teachers. No previous experience or expertise in drama is required. The course is taught through an open-classroom session and practical workshops. It covers:

  • An understanding of drama-based approaches and how they link to the teaching of writing.
  • An understanding of how these approaches can be developed for use across the curriculum.
  • Planning and how to integrate the approaches into your own classroom practice.

The Primary Shakespeare Company also offers bespoke whole staff inset training sessions. Topics covered have included:

  • Teaching an arts-based curriculum.
  • Using drama ideas for a more creative approach to literacy.
  • Speaking and listening.

Cost: Available on request.

About Primary Shakespeare Company: The Primary Shakespeare Company is a registered charity that aims to raise attainment and achievement in primary school children by engaging with Shakespeare. It runs a number of arts-based projects, sending theatre practitioners into primary schools in London and Kent to explore and perform Shakespeare’s plays. The Primary Shakespeare Company also works with Special Schools, developing fully inclusive participatory arts projects involving young people with complex needs.

Literacy Hive Likes:

  • Using drama-based approaches has been shown to improve engagement for EAL pupils, reluctant writers, SEND students and children eligible for Pupil Premium.

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